Standard Word: ToolDiameterComp
Variable: Tool.DiameterComp
Type: Enum
There are 3 different states defined for tool diameter compensation. These are as follows: Left(G41), Right(G42) and Cancel(G40).
These different states are defined inside the “ToolDiameterComp” word.
The active tool diameter compensation state is obtained from the “CUTCOM/” line (or similar expressions in some other CAMs) in the APT/CL file and the current state of the diameter compensation mode is assigned to the “Tool.DiameterComp” variable. This variable can be used in any script. When used in a script, the “Tool.DiameterComp” variable returns the strings “Left”, “Right” or “Cancel”. The word “ToolDiameterComp” is also created from this variable. For each diameter compensation mode, the G codes (G41, G42 and G40) can be defined in the “Edit” page of this word. After that, this word is used in different commands such as Format Motion Linear., Format Motion Circular. and Format Motion Helical. and the relevant G code is printed into the NC program automatically.