Data from APT/CL is first assigned to a special default variable for each row. MANUSpost developer has many default variables. Variables contain only numeric values. For example, for a line in the APT/CL file, let the X position information in the transaction line be 15,622. In this case, the variable “Coordinate.X” takes the value 15,622 for that row.
Then, words are created from these variables. The word contains both the value of that variable and determines the format in which that variable will be printed in the NC program. For example, the X value in the above example should be printed as X15,622 in the NC program output. Therefore, the word “CoordinateX” is created using the variable “Coordinate.X” and prepending the expression “X” with the numeric value of this variable.
Finally, this word is used in the relevant command. For example, the word above is used in commands such as “Format Motion Linear”, “Format Motion Rapid” by adding it as in the example below.
{ToolDiameterComp} {FeedrateMode} {CommandType} {CoordinateX} {CoordinateY} {CoordinateZ} {CoordinateRotaryAxis1} {CoordinateRotaryAxis2} {FeedrateValue} {ToolDiameterOffsetNumber}
In this example above, not only the word CoordinateX but also other predefined words in MANUSpost developer are shown in the “Format Motion Linear” command.
The sample output of the above command in the NC program will be as follows:
G41 G94 G1 X15.622 Y20.1 Z3. A15. C10.235 F300. D10