
Standard Word: ToolDiameterOffsetNumber

Variable: Tool.DiameterOffsetNumber

Type: Integer

This word/variable contains the information of the diameter offset number of the currently active tool.

This diameter offset number obtained from the APT/CL file is first assigned to the “Tool.DiameterOffsetNumber” variable. This variable can be used in any script.

In addition, the word “ToolDiameterOffsetNumber” is created from this variable. This word is then used in Format Tool Change. or other desired commands.

In Fanuc, Mitsubishi and Mazatrol controllers (and other controllers that support the ISO format), the tool diameter offset number is used with the word “D” as shown below in diameter compensation mode (G41,G42) to activate the diameter offset value of the specified tool number.

G41 X10. Y10. D6

In the above example, D6 code takes the diameter offset value of the 6th cutting tool.

The tool diameter offset number is normally same with the active tool number. However, you can also use different diameter offset numbers as well.