Standard Word: DrillCycleType
Variable: DrillCycle.Type
Type: Enum
According to the information obtained from the APT/CL file, the type of the currently active drilling cycle is transferred to the variable “DrillCycle.Type”.
Drilling cycles can be of many different types: “Standard Drill”, “BreakChipDrill”, “PeckDrill”, “DwellDrill”, Ream., Tap., “CounterSinkDrill”, Bore..
“DrillCycleType” word is created using this variable.
See the “Edit” page of this word for the complete list of all these drilling cycle types.
For each cycle type, the correct cycle code for that NC control unit (e.g. G81, G82, G83, G84, G85) is defined on the “Edit” page.
“DrillCycle.Type” variable is then used inside scripts added in Event Operation Start. or in driling cycle commands such as “Format Cycle Drill”.
When used in a script, this variable can take the string values: StandardDrill, BreakChipDrill, PeckDrill, DwellDrill, Ream, Tap etc.
When used as a word inside a command, it prints the G codes for these cycle types inside the NC program.