Format Cycle Tap

This command can be added by right-clicking on the “Drilling Cycle” heading inside “Commands” tab.

It is used to print the tap cycles (G84 and G84.2 etc) in the NC program in the appropriate format.

In an APT/CL file, this drilling cycle usually starts with statements like “CYCLE/TAP” and ends with the statement CYCLE/OFF.

The CYCLE/TAP statement also contains the parameters of the drilling cycle. Drilling positions (points) are also given in subsequent GOTO lines.

Tap drilling cycle lines, which are expressed by the “CYCLE/TAP” lines in the APT/CL file, first activate the Event Cycle Start. and the “Event Cycle” in MANUSpost.

“ActionCycleMotion” is included as standard in “Event Cycle”. “ActionCycleMotion” will run the “Format Cycle Tap” if the detected drilling cycle type is the tap drilling cycle type (G84 and G84.2).

IMPORTANT NOTE: At the start of each drilling cycle (ie in the CYCLE/TAP statement in APT/CL), Event Cycle Start. will run automatically at first for once. Later, Event Cycle. becomes active for all drilling points in the same drilling cycle (i.e. all GOTO lines after CYCLE/TAP and up to CYCLE/OFF).