Format Cutting Mode Plane On
This command can be added by right-clicking on the “Mode Change” heading inside “Commands” tab.
This command becomes automatically active at the beginning of operations, where the cutting mode is selected as PLANE,
In general, the cutting modes of 3 axis and 3+2 axis (indexed) operations are defined as PLANE.
Plane rotation functions and their parameters are defined in this command. (like Plane Spatial, Cycle800, G68.2 & G53.1)
This command is activated by “Event Linear/Rapid Motion” for once, at the beginning of each operation where cutting mode is selected as PLANE..
IMPORTANT NOTE: If “Positioning Cutting Mode” is selected as “PLANE” for “Format Positioning At Safe Position” command inside “ActionLinearMotion”, this means PLANE mode was activated during safe positioning,and this also means that“Format Cutting Mode Plane On” will not be active after these positoning moves.
The below image shows where this cutting mode is set for positioning moves inside “ActionLinearMotion”.
However, if the Format Positioning At Safe Position. has not become active (i.e., a small angle change situation has occurred), the Format Cutting Mode Plane On. command will always be active, regardless of which cutting mode is selected for positioning moves.