Format Clamp / Unclamp
This command can be added by right-clicking on the “Mode Change” heading inside “Commands” tab.
MANUSpost developer automatically determines when the rotary axis will be clamped and unclamped.
For example, the rotary axis are automatically unclamped at the beginning of simultaneous operations.
In addition, when the rotary axes change at the beginning of indexed (3+2 axes) and 3-axis operations, first the rotary axes are clamped and then the rotary axes are positioned and finally the axes are automatically clamped again.
Each CNC machine’s rotary axis unlock command is different and must be defined separately in each post processor. This special command has been defined so that this can be done easily.
Inside this command, the words for axis clamping and unclamping for both rotary axis are defined.
The name of these words are “ClampUnclampControlRotaryAxis1” and “ClampUnclampControlRotaryAxis2”.
Within these words, the axis unclamping and clamping M codes are defined separately for each post processor. Right click on these words and see where these M codes are defined in the Word Edit tab.
This command is not called by an event or an action. MANUSpost automatically activates this command when necessary.