Five Axis Rapid
Expressions that should be written in Mastercam, “Tool Description”:
After adding these expressions in Mastercam, the expression will be added to the created NCI file.
Type of UDE:
It is a standard type UDE. In standard usage, there is no need to make an extra definition in MANUSpost developer to activate this UDE. However, if desired, UDE can be defined in the CAM settings section of MANUSpost developer (can also be defined as “Custom UDE”). In this case, the user can make extra customizations in this UDE, create and use “Event”, “Script”, “Command” connected to the UDE. In this case, the standard UDE will be deactivated and the custom UDE will be activated.
**What Is It Used For?:
It is similar to use with the “Five Axis Start” UDE. The main difference is that the “Five Axis Start” UDE is used to determine the direction (plus/minus) of the “Rotating Axis 1” (tilting/nutating axis) during the first motion at the beginning of the operation, while the “Five Axis Rapid” UDE is used to decide the direction (plus/minus) of “Rotary Axis 1” similarly in RAPID motions within the operation, except for the operation start.
According to the option determined by UDE, the direction (plus/minus) of RAPID motions within the operation (except at the beginning of the operation) is controlled.
In order for this UDE to be active, there must be RAPID motions at the end of the positioning movements during operation changes. Because this algorithm of MANUSpost only affects the middle RAPID motions except the first and last when at least three RAPID motions are side by side.
When the “SHORTDIS” option is selected, this RAPID motion in between is positioned with the rotary axis shortest path algorithm.
The direction of RAPID motion does not change when the “NOCHANGE” option is selected. If the previous rotary axis position is in “Plus”, it remains in the “Plus” position, and in “Minus” it remains in the “Minus” position.
When the “RESTORE” option is selected, the RAPID motion positions itself in the direction defined by the “Five Axis Start” UDE. “Rotating Axis 1” (tilting/nutating axis) stays in the default position if “Default” direction is defined in “Five Axis Start” UDE, and in alternative position if “Alternate” is defined.
How to Deactivate?:
When one of the options is activated with this UDE, that option is defined to remain active until it is changed.
Once this UDE is activated, it affects all subsequent operations. To cancel the active UDE, the same UDE must be redefined by selecting another option just above the operation to be canceled.
What Affects/Changes in MANUSpost Developer:
When this UDE is activated, there is no change in any variable that can be accessed by end users in MANUSpost Developer. This UDE affects algorithms for calculating rotary axis values.