
Standard Word: PositioningDefaultModRotaryAxis2

Variable: Positioning.DefaultModRotaryAxis2

Type: Double

Every operation has an active cutting mode. The cutting mode can be TCPC, Plane, Default or Polar. Variables that start with Positioning are special variables of MANUSpost developer and have a very important use. With positioning variables, values such as X,Y,Z, Rotary1,2,3 and PlaneA,B,C are calculated for a cutting mode other than the active cutting mode of the operation. These calculated values are assigned to the variables starting with positioning.

Words generated from variables starting with Positioning are only used in the Format Positioning At Safe Position. command.

Important Note: It is NOT recommended to use Positioning variables in scripts.

For the variable “Positioning.DefaultModRotaryAxis2”, MANUSpost developer calculates the “RotaryAxis2” value by assuming the cutting mode as DEFAULT, regardless of the active cutting mode of the operation. If the cutting mode of the operation is also DEFAULT, this variable returns the same value as “Coordinate.RotaryAxis2”. However, if the cutting mode is not DEFAULT, a different value is returned. Therefore, it is important to use Positioning words only in Format Positioning At Safe Position..

The word “PositioningDefaultModRotaryAxis2” is created from the variable “Positioning.DefaultModRotaryAxis2” and this word is used in the Format Positioning At Safe Position. command.