Standard Word: CoordinateRotaryAxis2
Variable: Coordinate.RotaryAxis2
Type: Double
This word/variable contains the information of “Rotary Axis 2” angular position of the active motion line.
In MANUSpost developer, on 5-axis machines, “Rotary Axis 2” usually refers to the “C” rotation of the table or head. “Rotary axis 2” position, calculated with the information in the APT/CL file, is first assigned to “Coordinate.RotaryAxis2” variable. This variable can be used in any script.
In addition, the word “CoordinateRotaryAxis2” is created from this variable. This word is then used in Format Motion Linear., Format Motion Rapid. and other linear motion commands. Note: “Rotary Axis 2” is not used in 4-axis machines, only “Rotary Axis 1” is used.