
Standard Word: CommandType

Variable: Command.Type

Type: Enum

According to the information obtained from the APT/CL file, the type of the currently active motion type is transferred to the variable “Command.Type”.

These motion types are: Rapid., Linear., “CircularCW”, “CircularCCW”, Ream. and Thread..

“CommandType” word is created using this variable.

For each cycle type, the correct cycle code for that NC control unit (e.g. G00,G01, G02, G03, G33) is defined on the “Edit” pageof this word.

“Command.Type” variable is then used inside scripts or in all Linear motion commands such as “Format Motion Rapid”, “Format Motion Linear” etc.

When used in a script, this variable can take the string values: Rapid., Linear., “CircularCW”, “CircularCCW”, Ream. and Thread..

When used as a word inside a command, it prints the G codes for these cycle types inside the NC program.