Standard Word: CircularCircleNormalK
Variable: Circular.CircleNormalK
Type: Double
The circle normal vector is the vector of the plane in which the circular/helical motion takes place, or in other words it is the normal vector, which is parallel to the cutting tool vector.
According to the rotation direction (CW, CCW) of the circular/helical motion, circle normal vector sign becomes positive or negative.
For instance: In 3-axis milling operations, circular/helical movements in the XY plane (G17) have circle normal vectors of (0,0,1). In the CW rotation (G02), the circle normal vector remains unchanged at (0,0,1). For CCW rotation (G03), this vector becomes (0,0,-1).
Again, for 3-axis operations, the circular/helical movements in the XZ plane (G18) have circle normal vectors of (0,1,0). In the CW rotation (G02), the circle normal vector remains unchanged at (0,1,0). For CCW rotation (G03), this vector becomes (0,-1,0).
Let’s say the plane vector for a 3+2 axis operation is (0.7071,0,0.7071). In this case, the circular/helical motions in the XY plane (G17) will have the same normal vectors with the operation plane, which is (0.7071,0,0.7071). In the CW rotation (G02), the circle normal vector remains unchanged at (0.7071,0,0.7071). For CCW rotation (G03), this vector will become (-0.7071,0,-0.7071).
“Circular.CircleNormalK” is the variable formed with the Z component of this vector. This variable can be used in any script.
In addition, the word “CircularCircleNormalK” is created from this variable. This word is then used in the commands Format Motion Circular. and Format Motion Helical..