Below are the cooling options supported by MANUSpost Developer.
If you want to use a cooling option other than the types described above, you can do so by defining
“Custom UDE”.
Type of UDE:
It is a standard type UDE. In standard usage, there is no need to make an extra definition in
MANUSpost developer to activate this UDE. However, if desired, UDE can be defined in the CAM
settings section of MANUSpost developer (can also be defined as “Custom UDE”). In this case, the
user can make extra customizations in this UDE, create and use “Event”, “Script”, “Command”
connected to the UDE.
What Is It Used For:
It is used to select the cooling type during the operation and then to activate and deactivate at the
same time.
How to Deactive?:
It becomes active only in the line where it is defined and by activating the words “CoolantOn” or
“CoolantOff”, the NC prints the relevant M commands to the program.
What Affects/Changes in MANUSpost Developer:
When this UDE is defined and coolant is selected (COOLNT/FLOOD, COOLNT/THRU etc.), the
coolant is activated. Then, “Format Coolant On” command is activated in MANUSpost Developer
and at the same time, the value of the “Var.Coolant.On” variable defined as standard is assigned.
In MANUSpost Developer, there is the “Word” “CoolantOn” created from the variable
“Var.Coolant.On” and found as standard. By using this word in the “Format Coolant On” command,
the relevant M command is printed to the NC program according to the selected cooling type.
When this UDE is used to cancel the coolant (COOLNT/OFF), the “Format Coolant Off” command
is activated in MANUSpost Developer and at the same time, the value of the standard
“Var.Coolant.Off” variable is assigned.
In MANUSpost Developer, there is the word “CoolantOff” created from the variable
“Var.Coolant.Off” and found as standard. By using this word in the “Format Coolant Off”
command, the relevant M command that cancels the coolant is printed to the NC program according
to the selected cooling type.