
Siemenx NX 12

Type of UDE:

It is not a standard type UDE. It is a Custom (user defined) UDE. Custom UDEs are UDEs that should be defined as in the example below in the CAM settings section of MANUSpost Developer. Within this UDE definition, “Variable”, and “Event” that will be affected by this UDE should also be defined.

Siemenx NX 13

What Is It Used For?:

It is a UDE used for MCS selection.

How to Deactive?:

It is just a UDE used to print the MCS command. When it arrives, it becomes active and the relevant command is printed into the nc code. If it is desired to change the MCS in the same NC program, first a new “Setup” must be defined in Siemens NX and the operations with a different MCS must be in this new “Setup”. Afterwards, a new MCS must be defined in the new “Setup”. In this way, a second “FixOff” UDE is added in the “APT/CL” file.

What Affects/Changes in MANUSpost Developer:

When this UDE is activated, any standard Variable or standard Event is not affected in MANUSpost Developer. Only user-created “Custom Variables” and user-created Events will be affected by this UDE.