Select Head , Select Spindle

Mastercam, the expression that should be written inside the “Toolpath Parameters” > “Comment” operation:


After adding these expressions in Mastercam, the expression will be added to the created NCI file.

Type of UDE:

It is not a standard type UDE. It is a Custom (user defined) UDE. In order to activate this UDE, a UDE must be defined in the CAM settings section of MANUSpost Developer. Within this UDE definition, “Variable”, “Event” and “Script” that will be affected by this UDE should also be defined.

Mastercam Using UDEs 9

What Is It Used For:

It is used for both “lower turret / upper turret” selection and “main spindle / sub spindle” selection in machines with multi turrets and sub spindles.

This UDE is used for “head” selection in milling machines with different types of head options, as it is mostly used on machines with multi turrets and sub spindles. The choice of “spindle” will not matter in such machines. It is sufficient to select only “head”.

How to Deactive?:

Once the UDE is activated, it will affect all subsequent operations. If it is desired to change the “turret/head” and “main/subspindle” selection in subsequent operations, this UDE must be redefined just above the operation to be changed.

What Affects/Changes in MANUSpost Developer:

The “Head Name” parameter, which is the first parameter of this UDE and used for turret/head selection, does not affect any standard Variable or standard Event in MANUSpost Developer. Only user-created “Custom Variables” and user-created Events will be affected by this UDE.

The second parameter of this UDE, the “Spindle Name” selection, behaves like the Standard UDE. After the selection of this parameter, the values of the “VAR.State.OpMainSpindle” and “VAR.State.OpSubSpindle” variables defined in MANUSpost Developer are updated automatically.

When “Main” is selected as the “Spindle” selection, the “VAR.State.OpMainSpindle” variable will take the value “True” and the “VAR.State.OpSubSpindle” variable will get the value “False”.

When “Sub” is selected as the “Spindle” selection, the “VAR.State.OpMainSpindle” variable will take the value “False” and the “VAR.State.OpSubSpindle” variable will take the value “True”.