Rotate Table
Below are the sample expressions, which are added in Fusion 360 using “Manual NC” and activate Rotate Table UDE inside MANUSpost developer.
After adding this expression within Fusion360, the following expression will be added in the created APT file.
GOTO/41., -3., 66.
The Type of UDE:
It is a standard type UDE. In standard usage, there is no need for an extra definition within MANUSpost Developer to activate this UDE. However, if desired, a UDE definition can be made for this UDE in the CAM settings section within MANUSpost Developer (can also be defined as Custom UDE). In this case, the user can make additional customizations on this UDE, create events, scripts and commands that are linked to this UDE, and use them.
What is it used for?
It is used in a 3-axis milling operation when there is a limit problem on the X or Y axis, to position the rotary table at a different angle than the zero position.
Thanks to this UDE, the rotary table is rotated to the appropriate angle, allowing the machining to be performed within the machine limits.
How to deactivate it?
Once this UDE is activated, it becomes active for all subsequent 3-axis operations. That is, all 3-axis operations that come after this UDE are machined at the rotary table angle defined in this UDE.
Therefore, to cancel this UDE, it must be redefined with a zero degree angle value at the beginning of the operation to be canceled, as shown below.
In the above example, if a different angle is defined as the rotary table angle value instead of zero, the UDE will continue to remain active with the new angle value. In the subsequent 3-axis operations, the rotary table angle value will be the value defined in the new UDE .
What Does it Affect/Change Inside MANUSpost Developer?
It updates the C axis value, which is “Var.Coordinate.RotaryAxis1” or “Var.Coordinate.RotaryAxis2” according to the kinematics, with the angle value defined in the UDE.