Five Axis Rapid

The expressions that need to be written inside Fusion 360, using “Manual NC” operation are:


After adding this statement in Fusion360, the selected expression will be added to the generated APT file as follows.

GOTO/-41., 3., 66.

The Type of UDE:

It is a standard type UDE. In standard usage, there is no need for an extra definition within MANUSpost Developer to activate this UDE. However, if desired, a UDE definition can be made for this UDE in the CAM settings section within MANUSpost Developer (can also be defined as Custom UDE). In this case, the user can make additional customizations on this UDE, create events, scripts and commands that are linked to this UDE, and use them.

What is it used for?

Usage of the “Five Axis Rapid” UDE is similar to the “Five Axis Start” UDE. The main difference is that the “Five Axis Start” UDE is used to determine the direction (plus/minus) of the “Rotary Axis 1 (tilting/nutating axis)” at the start of the operation, while the “Five Axis Rapid” UDE is used to determine the direction (plus/minus) of the “Rotary Axis 1” during RAPID movements within the operation except for the start. Or in other words, “Five Axis Rapid” UDE is used during RAPID positoning (approach/retract) moves within the operation.

The direction (plus/minus) of the RAPID movements within the operation (except for the start) is controlled based on the option determined by the UDE.

For this UDE to be active, at least three RAPID movements must come together within the operation. This is because the algorithm of MANUSpost only affects the middle RAPID movements when at least three RAPID movements come next to each other.

When the “SHORTDIS” option is selected, the rotary axis is positioned by using the “shortest distance algorithm” of “MANUSpost developer”.

When the “NOCHANGE” option is selected, the direction of the “Rotary Axis 1” remains the same.

If the previous rotary axis position is at “Plus” side, it continues to stay on the “Plus” side, and if it is at “Minus” side, it continues to stay on the “Minus” side

“NOCHANGE” seçeneği seçildiğinde, RAPID hareketin yönü değişmiyor. Bir önceki döner eksen pozisyonu varsayılan da ise varsayılan pozisyonda, alternatifte ise alternatif pozisyonda kalıyor.

When the “RESTORE” option is selected, the RAPID movement within the operation positions itself in the direction defined by the “Five Axis Start” UDE. If “Rotary Axis 1 (tilting/nutating axis)” was defined in the “Default” position in the “Five Axis Start” UDE, “Default” will also be active for “Five Axis Rapid” UDE. Similarly, if it was defined in the “Alternate” direction, “Alternate” position will be active for “Five Axis Rapid”

How to deactivate it?

This UDE affects all subsequent operations once it is activated. When one of the options is activated with this UDE, it remains active until that UDE is cancelled. To cancel the active UDE, the same UDE with a different option should be defined just above the operation that needs to be cancelled.

What Does it Affect/Change Inside MANUSpost Developer?

When this UDE is activated, there is no change in any variable accessible by end users within MANUSpost Developer. This UDE affects the algorithms used to calculate the rotary axis values.