
Standard Word: -

Variable: LimitControl.LimitControlOn

Type: Boolean

On millturn CNCs, the X-axis usually doesn’t move much in the minus region. The motion range of Y axis is also usally limited. Therefore, it is difficult to perform 3-axis milling operations on such machines. Often you get axis overtravel errors.

Similarly, this problem can also be experienced in some rotary table 5-axis milling machines. You can not perform 3 axis milling operations due to limited X or Y axis motion capability.

One solution to this problem is to perform the 3-axis milling operations in polar mode (G12.1). In Polar mode, instead of moving the cutting tool in X and Y axis, one of these axis is locked (Y axis on mill turns) and the C axis rotates instead.

However, sometimes it is undesirable to operate in polar mode for precision. Instead, the optimal C-axis position without limit problems is calculated. The C axis is then rotated to this position and the operation is performed in 3-axis mode (but on a different C axis).

In this case, what needs to be done is to create a configuration variable from the “LimitControl.LimitControlOn” variable.

“LimitControl.LimitControlOn”, which is created as a configuration variable, is then activated by selecting it as “True”, just before post processing.

When activated, MANUSpost scans all motion lines in the APT/CL file and calculates the minimum and maximum values for the X, Y and Z axes separately for each operation.

Then, it assigns these calculated numerical values to xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax,zMin,Zmax variables.

Afterwards, these variables can be used in scripts for desired purposes. For example, finding a new C axis position where no limit occurs as in the example mentioned above.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If not used, this option must be deactivated by selecting it as “False”, in order not to reduce the operating performance of the post processor.