This method is used to rotate a point or a vector around a vector.
This method is very similar to “RotatePointAroundVector” method. “RotateCCWAroundVector” is the newer, advanced form.
The only difference is that, in “RotateCCWAroundVector” method, you can also define the origin of the vector which we will rotate our point(vector) around.
This rotation is done CCW (counter clock wise).
Example usage is below:
c= RotateCCWAroundVector(Ang1,Rot1Vec,Origin,Vx)
Here, “Ang1” is the amount of angle that you will rotate your point(vector), “Rot1Vec” is the vector which we will rotate our point(vector) around, “Origin” is the origin of the vector which we will rotate our point(vector) around, “Vx” is the point(vector) which we will rotate, And lastly “c” is the new vector, formed after the rotation of “Vx” around “Rot1Vec”.