Format Synchronization
This command can be added by right-clicking on the “Tool/Spindle/Coolant/Synchronization” heading inside “Commands” tab.
In multi-channel (multi-turret) CNC mill-turns, synchronization of turrets with each other is provided with this command.
This synchronization command is activated by the “$$UDE: MANUSPOST - SYNCHRONIZATION/SYNCHRONIZATION NUMBER=1” line in the APT/CL file. The number at the end of the expression is the synchronization number.
The synchronization command works as follows:
1-The statement “$$UDE: MANUSPOST - SYNCHRONIZATION/SYNCHRONIZATION NUMBER=1” in the APT/CL line invokes “Event Synchronization”.
2-This event includes “ActionSynchronization” as standard. “ActionSynchronization”, run the “Format Synchronization” command.
3- This command prints the synchronization code (P1, P2, P3 etc.) in the NC program (either prints in the NC program prepared for lower turret or the upper turret).
4- All NC programs prepared for each turret of the CNC mill-turn must have the same numbered synchronization commands (P1,P2,P3 etc.) in the same order.
5- After NC programs are run on the CNC, when the same numbered P# command is reached on one NC program, this NC program waits for the other NC program, until same numbered P# code is reached on the other NC program as well.